Orthodontic Consent Forms
and Customizable Templates

Creating clear and comprehensive consent forms is key to ensuring patients understand their treatment. Below, you’ll find downloadable pre-treatment consent templates in Word and PDF formats. These serve as a solid starting point, covering essential elements for informed consent.

We recommend customizing these templates to match your practice's specific procedures and policies. Download your preferred format and streamline your patient consent process today!

These consents are a useful guide when creating your own. We recommend adjusting and adapting your own to ensure it is as detailed and comprehensive as possible.

Photography Consent

Photography Consents

Photography Release Consent

Early Debond Consents

Early Debond Consents

Post Treatment Consents

Debond & Retainer Consent

TMD Consents

TMD Therapy Consent

Splint Treatment Consent

Other Templates

Permission to Pursue Ortho Training


The consent templates provided on this page are intended as general guides and have been adapted from various organizations and hospitals in the United Kingdom and the United States. These documents are for informational purposes only and should not be considered as legal or medical advice.

Cephtactics does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or appropriateness of these templates for your specific practice or jurisdiction. It is your responsibility to ensure that any template you use complies with the relevant laws, regulations, and professional guidelines applicable to your practice.

We strongly recommend that you review, modify, and customize these templates in consultation with your legal advisors or professional indemnity providers to ensure they meet the needs of your practice and your patients.

Cephtactics assumes no liability or responsibility for the use, misuse, or modification of these consent templates. By downloading and using these files, you acknowledge that you do so at your own discretion and risk.