Part of the Orthodontics Poster Collection
1) Patient Records and Record Keeping - (AAO)
2) Records Needed for Orthodontic Diagnosis and Treatment Planning: A Systematic Review - (PLoS ONE)
3) Orthodontic records: collection and management - (BOS)
4) Informed Consent and Orthodontic Treatment - (Orthodontic Update)
5) Retention of records - (FGDP)
6) A Comparison between 2D and 3D Images to Study Maxillary and Mandibular Widths: A Pilot Sudy - (Open Journal of Stomatology)
7) Variations in facial relationships: Their significance in treatment and prognosis - (Am J Orthod)
9) Cephalometrics for you and me - (Am J Orthod)
10) Was the development of the diagnostic facial triangle as an acurate analysis based on fact or fancy? - (SCRIBD)
Bolton's Analysis
11) The clinical application of a tooth-size analysis - (Am J Orthod)
12) Overall and anterior Bolton ratio in Class I, II, and III orthodontic patients - (European Journal of Orthodontics)
13) Asymmetry in Tooth Size: A Factor in the Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment of Malocclusion - (Angle Orthod)
14) Crown Diameters of Corresponding Tooth Groups in the Deciduous and Permanent Dentition - (Journal of Dental Research)
15) Bolton analysis: an alternative proposal for simplification of its use - (Dental Press J Orthod)
16) A Review of Orthodontic Indices - (Orthodontic Journal of Nepal)
17) Use of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) in assessing the need for orthodontic treatment pre- and post- appliance therapy - (Br J Orthod)
18) Who needs orthodontic treatment? Who gets it? And who wants it? - (BDJ)
19) An Index of Orthognathic Functional Treatment Need (IOFTN) - (Journal of Orthodontics)
20) An Overview of the Peer Assessment Rating (par) Index for Primary Dental Care Practitioners - (Prim Dent J)
Patient Journey Checklist
21) Legal aspects of orthodontic practice: risk management concepts. Periodontal disease in orthodontic practice - (AJODO)
22) A precise and time-saving method of setting up an indirectly bonded retainer - (AJODO)
23) Orthodontic fluoride protection - (J Clin Orthod)
24) Traumatic ulcers and pain in adults during orthodontic treatment - (Community Dent Oral Epidemiol)
25) Retainers Leaflet - (BOS)
Wires and Sequences
26) Which orthodontic archwire sequence? A randomized clinical trial - (European Journal of Orthodontics)
27) Do you do Damon®? What is the current evidence base underlying the philosophy of this appliance system? - (J Orthod)
28) A review of contemporary archwires: their properties and characteristics - (Angle Orthod)
29) A systematic review and meta-analysis of experimental clinical evidence on initial aligning archwires and archwire sequences - (Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research)
30) Orthodontic wire: a continuing evolution - (Semin Orthod)
Space Closure
36) New technique for semipermanent replacement of missing incisors - (Am J Orthod)
37) A customized staging procedure to improve the predictability of space closure with sequential aligners - (J Clin Orthod)
38) Orthodontic space closure of the edentulous maxillary first molar area in adults - (Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg)
39) The effects of space closure of the mandibular first molar area in adults - (Am J Orthod)
40) Understanding the basis of space closure in Orthodontics for a more efficient orthodontic treatment - (Dental Press J Orthod)
41) Controlling the magnitude, direction and duration of extraoral force - (Am J Orthod)
42) A new device for absolute anchorage for orthodontics - (AJODO)
43) The possibility of skeletal anchorage - (J Clin Orthod)
44) Mini-implant for orthodontic anchorage - (J Clin Orthod)
45) Rigid implant anchorage to close a mandibular first molar extraction site - (J Clin Orthod)
Treatment Planning Tips
46) Orthodontics: Art, Science or Trans-science? - (Angle Orthod)
47) Soft tissue limitations in orthodontics: treatment planning guidelines - (Angle Orthod)
48) Contemporary Orthodontics - (MOSBY ELSEVIER)
49) The social importance of orthodontic rehabilitation: report of a five year follow-up study - (J Health Soc Behav)
50) Planning Treatment on the Basis of the Facial Pattern and an Estimate of Its Growth - (Angle Orthod)
51) Enamel reduction techniques in orthodontics: a literature review - (Open Dent J)
52) Interproximal enamel reduction as a part of orthodontic treatment - (Stomatologija)
53) An Overview on Interproximal Enamel Reduction - (Openventio)
54) Enamel reduction procedures in orthodontic treatment - (J Can Dent Assoc)
55) Guidelines for Contemporary Air-Rotor Stripping - (JCO)
56) Crowding: timing of treatment - (Angle Orthod)
57) Mandibular incisor dimensions and crowding - (Am J Orthod)
58) Biometrics of crowding and spacing of the teeth in the mandible - (Am J Phys Anthropol)
59) Patterns of Dental Crowding in the Lower Arch and Contributing Factors: A Statistical Study - (Angle Orthod)
60) An examination of dental crowding and its relationship to tooth size and arch dimension - (Am J Orthod)
61) The decision to extract: part II. Analysis of clinicians' stated reasons for extraction - (AJODO)
62) Indications for the extraction of teeth in orthodontic procedure - (Am J Orthod Oral Surg)
63) A comparative study of facial profiles in extraction and nonextraction treatment - (AJODO)
64) Effect of Extraction Of Deciduous Molars On The Formation And Eruption Of Their Successors - (Angle Orthod)
65) The decision to extract: Part I - - Interclinician agreement - (AJODO)
Class II Mechanics
66) Open-bite treatment with vertical control and tongue reeducation - (AJODO)
67) The twin block traction technique - (Eur J Orthod)
68) Mandibular protraction appliances for Class II treatment - (J Clin Orthod)
70) Fixed piston appliance for rapid Class II correction - (J Clin Orthod)
Aligner Mechanics
71) Using clear aligner therapy to correct malocclusion with crowding and an open bite - (Gen Dent)
72) Correction of deep bite in adults using the Invisalign system - (J Clin Orthod)
73) The predictability of transverse changes with Invisalign - (Angle Orthod)
74) Correction of severe tooth rotations using clear aligners: a case report - (Aust Orthod J)
75) Centennial inventory: The changing face of orthodontics - (AJODO)
76) Optimization of configuration of attachment in tooth translation with transparent tooth correction by appropriate moment-to-force ratios: Biomechanical analysis - (Biomed Mater Eng)
77) Effects of variable attachment shapes and aligner material on aligner retention - (Angle Orthod)
78) Influence of attachments and interproximal reduction on the accuracy of canine rotation with Invisalign. A prospective clinical study - (Angle Orthod)
79) Forces and moments generated by removable thermoplastic aligners: incisor torque, premolar derotation, and molar distalization - (AJODO)
80) Treatment management between orthodontists and general practitioners performing clear aligner therapy - (Angle Orthod)
81) Consent in Orthodontics - (BOS)
82) Consent to orthodontic treatment - is it working? - (BDJ)
83) Informed Consent For Braces - (Int J Clin Pediatr Dent)
84) Consent: UK excluding Scotland - (Dental Protection)
85) Improving the orthodontic consent process: Amending hospital policy and implementing change - (Journal of Orthodontics)
Consultation Advice
86) Guides of commissioning dental specialties - Orthodontics - (NHS England)
87) Personal Recommendations and Tips to Orthodontic Patients: A systematic review - (Journal of Oral Medicine)
88) Dentists' opinions of an online orthodontic advice service - (J Telemed Telecare)
89) A Systematic Review of Individual Motivational Factors in Orthodontic Treatment: Facial Attractiveness as the Main Motivational Factor in Orthodontic Treatment - (Int J Dent)
90) Orthodontics: Making false promises - (BDJ)
Bond Up
92) Assessment of bracket placement and bond strength when comparing direct bonding to indirect bonding techniques - (Am J Orthod)
93) Effects of orthodontic attachments on the gingival health of permanent second molars - (AJODO)
94) Improving the handling properties of a composite resin for direct bonding - (Am J Orthod)
95) Adhesion of composite to porcelain with various surface conditions - (J Prosthet Dent)
Bracket and Prescription
96) Metal strength of direct bonding brackets - (AJODO)
97) Flaws in bracket manufacturing - (J Clin Orthod)
98) Trial Production of Titanium Orthodontic Brackets Fabricated by Metal Injection Molding (MIM) with Sintering - (J Dent Res)
99) The fracture strength of ceramic brackets: a comparative study - (Angle Orthod)
100) Ceramic brackets - (J Clin Orthod)
Class III Mechanics
101) Effective timing for the application of orthopedic force in the skeletal Class III malocclusion - (Am J Orthod)
102) Craniofacial changes in Class III malocclusion as related to skeletal and dental maturation - (AJODO)
103) Developing Class III malocclusions: challenges and solutions - (Clin Cosmet Investig Dent)
104) Morphometric Analysis of Mandibular Growth in Skeletal Class III Malocclusion - (J Formos Med Assoc)
105) Growth changes in skeletal-facial profile and their significance in orthodontic diagnosis - (AJODO)
106) Microscopic evaluation of enamel after debonding: clinical application - (Am J Orthod)
107) Enamel alterations from bracket bonding and debonding: a study with the scanning electron microscope - (Am J Orthod)
108) Enamel surfaces after orthodontic bracket debonding - (Angle Orthod)
109) Indelible iatrogenic staining of enamel following debonding. A case report - (JClin Orthod)
110) Quantitative and qualitative assessment of enamel surface following five composite removal methods after bracket debonding - (Eur J Orthod)
Interceptive Orthodontics
111) Self-concept, Class II malocclusion, and early treatment - (Angle Orthod)
112) Early mixed dentition treatment: postretention evaluation of stability and relapse - (Angle Orthod)
113) The timing of treatment for Class II malocclusions in children: a literature review - (Angle Orthod)
114) Orthodontic treatment timing: a survey of orthodontists - (AJODO)
115) Early versus late treatment of crowded first premolar extraction cases: postretention evaluation of stability and relapse - (Angle Orthod)
Crossbites and Transverse
116) Diagnosis and treatment of transverse maxillary deficiency - (Int J Adult Orthodon Orthognath Surg)
117) Transverse relationship of permanent molars after crossbite correction in deciduous dentition - (European Journal of Orthodontics)
118) Transverse malocclusion, posterior crossbite and severe discrepancy - (Dental Press J Orthod)
119) Assessment of early orthodontic treatment on functional shifts by telemonitoring mandibular movements using a smart phone - (Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare)
120) Transverse skeletal and dental asymmetry in adults with unilateral lingual posterior crossbite - (AJODO)
Deep Bites
121) Deep overbite correction by intrusion - (Am J Orthod)
122) The curve of Spee revisited - (AJODO)
123) Deep overbite malocclusion: analysis of the underlying components - (AJODO)
124) Treatment of deep-bite cases - (Am J Orthod)
125) Deepbite correction with incisor intrusion in adults: a long-term cephalometric study - (AJODO)
Open Bites
126) Are temporary anchorage devices truly effective in the treatment of skeletal open bites? - (Eur J Dent)
127) Components of adult Class III open-bite malocclusion - (Am J Orthod)
128) Cephalometric evaluation of anterior open-bite nonextraction treatment, using multiloop edgewise archwire therapy - (Odontology)
129) Etiology of anterior open bite: a review - (J Orofac Orthop)
130) Open-bite treatment with vertical control and tongue reeducation - (AJODO)
131) Prevalence, etiology, diagnosis, treatment and complications of supernumerary teeth - (J Clin Exp Dent)
132) Management of supernumerary teeth - (J Conserv Dent)
133) Unusual supernumerary - (BDJ)
134) Orthodontic management of non-syndromic multiple supernumerary teeth - (Contemp Clin Dent)
135) Morphologic characteristics, location, and associated complications of maxillary and mandibular supernumerary teeth as evaluated using cone beam computed tomography - (European Journal of Orthodontics)
136) Hypodontia: An Update on Its Etiology, Classification, and Clinical Management - (BioMed Research International)
137) Management of patients with hypodontia: What has changed? - (Journal of Orthodontics)
138) Familial human hypodontia - - is it all in the genes? - (BDJ)
139) Space closure versus space opening for bilateral absent upper lateral incisors: what is the duration of orthodontic treatment? - (European Journal of Orthodontics)
140) The prevalence and distribution of hypodontia in a sample of Qatari patients - (Journal of Orthodontic Science)
141) Open versus closed surgical exposure for permanent impacted canines: a systematic review and meta-analyses - (European Journal of Orthodontics)
142) Clinical Consideration and Management of Impacted Maxillary Canine Teeth - (Emerging Trends in Oral Health Sciences and Dentistry)
143) National clinical guidelines for the management of unerupted maxillary incisors in children - (BDJ)
144) Survival and success of maxillary canine autotransplantation: a retrospective investigation - (European Journal of Orthodontics)
145) Orthodontic traction of impacted canines: Concepts and clinical application - (Dental Press J Orthod)